Go Cougars!

Unfortunately we don’t have ESPN here at home, so I almost didn’t get to watch the BYU bowl game!  One of our friends teaches at a local elementary school and convinced his principal to let us watch the game in the library on their 42″ flat screen.  Much better than not watching it at all!!!  It was so fun, and the kids had a blast.  The only downside was we all didn’t get to bed until 12:30 (yes, including children).  So today, Trey’s nursery teachers came to get us from Sunday school because he had fallen asleep standing up.  Bad mom and dad!! 


                        Russell, Trey, and their friends, Audrey, Joshua, and Kayley watching a movie while parents watch football.


 Trey, where he can usually be found…  where the food is!


 Keyan’s first experience with peanut butter popcorn. Don’t worry, it’s not in his mouth. We just let him taste it, and he really lked it! 


Keyan didn’t make it through the game.  (Russell wants everyone to know that he normally doesn’t allow his boys to sleep on pink giraffes, but the blanket belongs to our friends.)

P.S. Russell has been helping me with my blogging, so I’ve just learned how to make my pictures bigger.  Sorry that you’ve all had to squint to see the previous ones! 

1 Comment

  1. Abby said,

    December 24, 2007 at 11:26 am

    Yeah! Two new blogs two days in a row. . . go jackie. You must know that I check it several times a day. I am so impressed with your creativity in finding a way to watch the game. Are your friends BYU fans, and that’s why they were willing to go through the hassle? I must say, that is one nice principal. Love you guys so so so much.

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